Apple’s Worst Mistakes

In the absence of Steve Jobs, Apple was a horribly run company. An ebook called Design Crazy, is a history of Apple, composed entirely of quotes from former Apple employees and other insider sources. The book recalls the dark times in Apple’s history soon after firing Steve Jobs. The sources describe a company that made a series of back to back mistakes. Here are some of them, and quotes from sources explaining why those mistakes were made, and how they were costly:


Showed products before they were released

As soon as Apple started working upon a new product, they showed it to everybody. This raised the expectations far too much and Apple couldn’t deliver on these projects even after two years.

Management favored cost-cutting at the expense of good product design

Under Gil Amelio, design at Apple didn’t mean anything. They were a marketing-driven company that wasn’t focused on design or even delivering a product. In the process Apple became just another PC manufacturer.

Apple couldn’t ship big products

“There was a project code-named Copland, which was supposed to be Apple’s next-generation operating system. It was probably one of the worst-managed projects ever at Apple. The schedule just kept getting pushed out. After a couple of years of this, it was clear that it was never going to ship.”

Inferior partners diluted ts brand

Several lower-cost clone computers, marketed under brands like SuperMac, Genesis, and Power Computing, may have slightly helped Apple’s operating-system market share, but they further eroded the company’s brand. Mac sales declined.

You can download the ebook here.
