FontConvertor: Convert Font Format Online Quickly and Easily

Web fonts are available in several format and you can get free fonts for commercial use but sometimes you download font which doesn’t supported by your OS (Windows supports Tiff format). Sometimes font generator software also produce fonts whose format doesn’t supported by OS. This problem leads you to delete that font file.

There is a web application available to convert font format to other font format easily. This app is known as FontConvertor. The great thing about this tool is you don’t need to install any software because it is a web app. Just open the website, upload your font and convert it to other format. Great. Isn’t it?


According to official site, it can read following file formats for conversion:

TrueType, PostScript (Type 1 font), TeX Bitmap Fonts, OTB (X11 bitmap only sfnt), BDF (Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format), FON (Windows), FNT (Windows), OTF OpenType font, SVG, TTC, ABF (Adobe Binary Screen Font), AFM (Adobe Font Metrics File) , BDF (Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format), DFONT (Mac OS X Data Fork Font).

You can convert it to following output formats:

TTF TrueType, OTF OpenType, FON Generic font, PFB Printer font binary, dfont Mac OS X data fork font.

The process of conversion is very quick. No registration is needed to use this site and it is free to use tool.

Check out FontConvertor to instantly convert one font format into other.


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