How To Backup All Your Valuable Comments With BackType

Comments are the most important part of blogging these days – they can be done for fun, sharing information or just to convey gratitude for a great post. Any good post does not wait to be on top of the popularity chart, but of course anticipate knowing what people think about it. Hence, we denote comments as “Valuable Material”. Such comments are not only a social action, but also serve the purpose adding more importance to the post. In fact, you can be a good commenter by talking and engaging in discussions on your and various blogs across Web 2.0. We all learn about improving our comments idea via do-follow blogs and forums, but wouldn’t it be great to consolidate all the information shared? Of course it would be.

Of late, I have got few comments asking on how do I keep track of all my comments under one roof. The two word answer is “BackType Plugin”. “BackType is a real-time, conversational search engine. We index and connect online conversations from across the web in real-time, so you can see what people are saying about topics that interest you”. BackType Plugin is nothing but a “Twitter for Comments” that simply combines comments from various blogs and into a single and searchable stream. In simple term, what BackType does is offer you system to keep up with all comments you have made and also allow you to “follow” other people in order to preserve the comments they leave.

Working with BackType

Working with BackType is as simple as tweeting. You only need to create an account and give your e-mail Id that you use while commenting. That’s it BackType will store all the comments you have made and will make it available to you whenever required. Your profile will accommodate all your approve comments, which can also be shared with other members. Searches for RSS feeds are available and also supports various platforms.

Exciting Tools and Features

BackType Connect – BackType Connect shows you all of the conversation surrounding a post or article. All you need to do is to enter the URL of the post or the page and get the results showing references to that particular article/post around internet.

TweetsCount – This is an excellent tool that shows the number of times your posts have been linked on Twitter and let readers retweet.

BackType Alerts – BackType Alerts sends you e-mail updates whenever a search term is mentioned in a comment. These Alerts are highly useful for people wanting to track what’s being discussed about them.

BackType Subscription – BackType Subscriptions sends you e-mail updates whenever someone comments on a post you specify. You will receive the updates as they take place on daily or weekly basis. Further you are free to monitor your subscriptions via RSS Feeds. Hey nice one.

Overall BackType service is great and the team has done a solid job!