Play Online Videos In Desktop Media Players

Many of you watch online videos or movies to refresh yourself or for timepass but sometimes situation comes when your browser starts getting crashes, what you do, any solution? Usually, there is no solution and many folks have to play that video again. Isn’t it annoy you? There is a fabulous add-on for Firefox called PlayLink. This add-on takes video what you are playing in your browser and it links to another browser of your choice or a desktop media player of your choice.

All you need is to download PlayLink and once you downloaded this add-on you have to access settings in the Add-ons menu for Firefox. In configuration option you have to specify the specific browsers and desktop media applications that appear in PlayLink’s menu because this menu will be shown up when you right click on a media link. There are two tabs at the top of the options menu one for browser and one for media applications.

As soon as you choose the programs you want to send your media links you are ready to use PlayLink. Now you can search for any music link on internet (it could be mp3 or YouTube video) just right click on it. By using this you can also send the video song to VLC, Windows Media Player or any number of favorite programs.

Did you find this useful? Then why not enjoy this freedom and let us know your feedback in comment section.

Download Link For PlayLink