Tag: curse

  • Try Microsoft Windows 7 RC For Free

    Try Microsoft Windows 7 RC For Free

    Most recently Microsoft released Windows 7 release candidate and it’s right now available for MSDN and technet subscribers. It’s till on development and soon will introduce exclusive features such as, Remote Internet access to home-based digital media libraries from another Windows 7-based PC outside the home, Utilizing Windows Virtual PC, allows Windows 7 users to…

  • Top 7 reasons to say no to iphone 3G

    Top 7 reasons to say no to iphone 3G

    Suppose you are in the examination hall,interview or with friends and their is a question “why should i don’t buy iphone?” then what would be your answer?.Every one talks about iphone 3G as a boon phone in the market but have you ever think about its core? Does its really cost $199? , Are you…