Top 10 Web Design Forums For Web Designers and Developers

Being a designer i know that its very necessary to patch the websites and web-designs for all the browsers and the applications( it even include the buggy and old browsers like IE6). A developer can only change the products running on the browsers, he need to suffer when the final product is buggy. In the development process bug is responsible for the evolution patch. For example whether its a jQuery issue or IE6 PNG issue or any other issues, you need to resolve it like do or die situations. What if you don’t know how to patch the bugs?
The best solutions for the problems like this are Web Design forums dedicated for web designers and web developers.

Here is the list of 10 best forums for Web Designers and Web Developers that may proved to be most helpful:

1.Digitalpoint – This is a place designed to discuss about website design and get help with, Photoshop, Flash, JQuery, HTML, CSS, DHTML, etc.

2.Sitepoint – You have great source of information on all platform related to design and development

3.Designerstalk – Anything to discuss about graphics, illustration, programming and more

4.Smashingmagazine – Discussions about current trends and recent developments: design reviews, showcases and interesting or unusual designs are all possible here.

5.Webmaster-talk -A cool place to discuss your knowledge on various platform and get help from the experts

6.Webdesignforums – This is more like a tutorial offering posts with great information.

7.Webdesignerforum – Get help and advice on planning your web design project. This is also a great source for news from the world of design & development and other exciting events.

8.Webdevforums – Web designers and web development professionals get your fundamental web master tools and information here. This is your source for basic website builder knowledge.

9.Webdesignchat – Discuss about your web designing problems, techniques, softwares, websites, latest tricks etc

10.Webdesignforum – You can discuss tips on web design including the use of popular web design software. And get help on any issues related to various platforms.

All of the above resources are based on my views, you can also suggest some more resources for Web designers and Web Developers.


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