Twitter is the next targets of Trojans the increase in the social networking and popularity of twitter ,It acts as the best search engine and a source of instant answers.
For example
Once labnol blogs encounter with the wp-super cache plugin problems that through’s error message on the main url He then tweet “any one know what’s the problem”.Soon he gets lots of reply (from me also 🙂 ) and he manages to resolve his problem from tweeter.

Their are many example like that when people announce their new posts,updates, latest tricks and interesting url that may helps users.But point of concern is when some one makes fake profile and start circulating malicious links. What if some click on that suspicious urls? What happens to their system security?.
Actually these links are mostly from fake profile having porn ,( Brazilian language) or other stuff that attracts people to click on.On their profile their have lots of tweet updates with malicious link that may looks like mp3 but all of them are “Trojans“.These Trojan software masquerading (looks as ) as MP3 files that steals data from the machine this facts is reveals by Kaspersky’s blog.

How it work?
It work as if you click on the link, then their starts an automatic download ie you get a window that shows the progress of an automatic download of a so-called new version of Adobe Flash, which is supposedly required to watch the video. You end up with a file labeled Adobe Flash (it’s a fake) on your machine; a technique that is currently very popular

Why this is dangerous?
It is dangerous because these links can be easily circulate through multiple profiles more over google also shows twitter profiles on their search so its high probability that these links and malware circulate through google.

Another major security issue in Twitter
Ability of hackers and attacker to force someone to follow him automatically on twitter is still possible as disclosed by TwitPwn